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Glitter Machine Return

With Second Single

GLITTER MACHINE will drop their second single Take The Pain from their debut album, Hanging Out For Fame, on 2nd August; a date to put in the diary.

Having first emerged in 2018 this quartet stuck out from the off. Over the last couple of years, Glitter Machine, comprising of vocalist and guitarist John McKeown, bass player Rik Hornby, drummer Paul Stone and guitarist Dominic McGuiness, have begun to have a real impact upon the music industry.

Take The Pain is a true testament to the band’s effortless ability to write deep meaningful compelling songs. The single showcases McKeown’s raw and gritty vocals which sets Glitter Machine apart. With the video for the new single having its first airing on 18th July, they look forward to a continually brighter future.

Glitter Machine say: “It’s a love song. But a feral one, where every single redeeming feature of a relationship is stripped away to reveal what is really underneath.”

When they launched their debut single, Black Bird, which had over 227,000 YouTube views, earlier this year to a baptism of fire, Glitter Machine will definitely be rekindling the flames with this second single Take The Pain. Providing further insight into the band’s unique sound, it looks as though it will be even better as they solidify themselves into the band that they are. With its sumptuous searing guitar work from McGuiness and blistering stick work by Stone, the likes of which wouldn’t go a miss in a Tarantino movie soundtrack, this will be a must on everyone’s playlist.

Having performed live at The Lexington earlier this year, they are no strangers to the world of music. McKeown has previously toured Europe with The Stereophonics with his former band Hero, whilst McGuiness will be instantly recognisable with his staggering guitar work. Paul Stone found his real niche in life, being a drummer who can make his own mark, and Rik Hornby is a sought out bass player.

Sighting influences from Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Phil Spector, Josh Homme and Neil Young, and having already caused a stir with Hanging Out For Fame, they will be ready to mix it all up again when they go back into the studio later this year to record their second album; a musical treat well worth waiting for.

This is Glitter Machine.

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